We acknowledge the traditional owners and sovereign custodians of the land on which Collingwood Yards is situated, the Wurundjeri people of the Woiwurrung language group. We extend our respect to their Ancestors and all First Peoples and Elders past, present, and future.

Venues – FAQ

Last updated 4/9/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

When are Collingwood Yards spaces available?

Our venues are available for hire all year. Please contact  enquiries@collingwoodyards.org to discuss specific date request.

How far in advance can I make a booking?

Collingwood Yards is currently taking bookings until the 30 June 2025. Please contact enquiries@collingwoodyards.org for information on availability.

What are the different venues capacity?

Does Collingwood Yards have sound or noise restrictions?

Sound and noise arising from events in Collingwood Yards must be capped at 90dB. Any noise, voice or other music amplification must be at a lawful acoustic level and must not cause excessive disruption for other Collingwood Yards tenants, particularly during business hours.

You must immediately follow and adhere to any direction made by Collingwood Yards’ team, your Venue Supervisor and/or Technician on the day, or the Victoria Police to reduce noise volume. The ultimate decision on noise levels during your event lies with the relevant Collingwood Yards staff member.

How late can my event run?

Currently events must finish by 1am and a 2am curfew applies for bump-out.

If bump-out is likely to continue past 2am, hirers are required to book the venue for a half-day of bump-out for the following day.

How long can I hire a venue for?

You and the Collingwood Yards team will agree on a commencement and finish time for your event. If the venue is not vacated by the agreed finish time, you may be required to pay additional charges.

Can I decorate the venue?

All decorations and signage must be approved by the Collingwood Yards team in the lead up to your booking, to ensure the venue will not be damaged. All decorations must be removed from the space by the completion of bump-out. If decorations are left onsite, the Collingwood Yards team will contact you to arrange for their collection. Additional labour calls may be required if Collingwood Yards has to pack down any decorations or hirer equipment post-event.

Do I need to provide insurance?

All events at Collingwood Yards will require evidence of Public Liability Insurance to the value of $20 million. A copy of your Certificate of Currency must be provided to the Collingwood Yards team prior to the event.

Collingwood Yards reserves the right to cancel or refuse access for a booking if PLI is not provided upon request and prior to commencement of the booking.

Can I sell alcoholic beverages?

If you will be providing alcoholic drinks to patrons, you must hold a liquor licence obtained from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR). You are responsible for ensuring that the licence and all required signage is displayed at the point of service and that any conditions of your liquor license such as security for your event have been arranged.

A copy of your liquor license must be provided to the Collingwood Yards team prior to your event. If a liquor license is not provided prior to the commencement of your booking, you will not be permitted to serve alcohol.

Providing a ‘free’ drink with the purchase of a show ticket is deemed as a transaction of sale for alcohol and requires a liquor license. Details on obtaining a limited liquor license for your event can be found on the VCGLR website or by phoning 1300 182 457.

Can I sublet the venue?

You may sublet your hired space, only with the prior written consent of the Collingwood Yards team; This type of hire will attract the commercial venue hire rate. The types of events for which subletting may be permitted include fairs or exhibitions where stallholders or exhibitors are charged an occupancy fee.

What is the process for booking a venue?

Contact enquiries@CollingwoodYards.org to check date availability and to discuss the details of your event. The Collingwood Yards team will arrange a site visit if required. Following a discussion of your requirements, the Collingwood Yards team will make a tentative booking, generate a quote for your hire and send it to you.

  • To secure your booking, contact the Collingwood Yards team. Collingwood Yards will generate a contract and deposit invoice for your booking.
  • In the leadup to your event you’ll need to provide copies of supporting documentation including your Public Liability Insurance, Risk Assessments and your Liquor License if required for your event.

What event details does Collingwood Yards need to know?

If you are planning to run an event at Collingwood Yards, you will need to have an initial conversation with the Collingwood Yards team about the event itself, the number of attendees anticipated, whether the event is ticketed, whether a bar will be offered and any other relevant information.

Upon request, the hirer will also supply the Collingwood Yards team with a detailed event-schedule or program. This schedule should detail exactly what is to take place during the bump-in, event, and bump-out.

Hirers are required to supply contact details of volunteers and/or personnel who will be organising the event/function – in particular, the event organisers attending and responsible for the event throughout its duration.

My event includes controversial content – What does Collingwood Yards need to know?

The hirer must give immediate notice to Collingwood Yards if the project is likely to be highly controversial or may impact the reputation of Collingwood Yards. Advanced notice will enable Collingwood Yards team to address any media issues that may arise.

In some instances, the hirer may be required to post a clear and visible notice at the venue regarding the controversial content. Collingwood Yards reserves the right to reject hires if the controversial content is deemed too great a reputational risk.

What staffing will my event require?

Bookings within the first-floor event spaces may require paid venue staff.
  • All bump in/out and technical runs require a Collingwood Yards Venue Technician at a minimum and may require additional technical crew.
  • Filming and live-stream events will require a Venue Technician for the duration of access.
  • During public-attendance events, the Venue Technician will be present and working and you may require an additional staff member in the role of Venue Supervisor. The Supervisor is a dedicated crowd-management role and you may require an additional staff member in the cannot serve a secondary role such as front of house, bar service, stage management or Operator during the event. If you require additional staff to fulfill these roles, please speak to the Collingwood Yards team who can arrange them for you. Additional staff will be required for a minimum 4-hour call and costs will be quoted as part of your booking process.

Will my event require any specialist labour?

Some events may require the engagement of specialist labour, such as Riggers, AV specialists and specialist equipment operators. Specialists will be engaged through Music Market for your event. The charges for these specialists will be added to your quote.

If you wish to bring in a particular specialist, please speak to the Collingwood Yards team who will confirm whether this is possible. The Collingwood Yards team must provide written approval for hirers to engage their own specialist labour.

Who provides additional staff?

It is the responsibility of the hirer to arrange any of the additional staff that a booking may require, including:

  • sound and lighting designers
  • security staff

The Collingwood Yards team will require evidence of staff members being hired for the event.

Can I help with the set-up of the venue to reduce labour costs?

Collingwood Yards has a standard configuration which includes lighting and AV in position. Moving any already set up lighting and AV equipment can only be done by Collingwood Yards staff.

You may be able to help with set up and pack down of Collingwood Yards furniture, under the supervision of the Collingwood Yards Venue Technician. The furniture within the room must be reset to standard configuration upon completion of your hire. If furniture is not reset to standard at the end of your hire, you will be charged additional labour for the Venue Technician to reset the spaces.

My event is a small meeting/rehearsal. Will my event need labour?

At the discretion of the Collingwood Yards team, hirers may be able to access venue spaces without incurring labour costs, if the event begins and ends during standard business hours, and the activity has been deemed safe to go ahead unsupervised.

This is not applicable to public-attendance events whether ticketed or by invitation only.

Will my event require Security Services?

Some events at Collingwood Yards will require Security Services. Please discuss this requirement with the Collingwood Yards team. For some events, Collingwood Yards will require the use of their preferred security company in particular when alcohol is being served.

In general, the industry rule of two guards for the first 100 people and one guard for every 100 people thereafter will be employed. Collingwood Yards may request that you obtain additional security based on the level of risk associated with your booking. Proof of the security booking with a registered security company must be supplied to the Collingwood Yards team prior to the event.

Can Collingwood Yards help me source additional equipment for my event?

If you require additional equipment speak with the Collingwood Yards team about your requirements. Collingwood Yards may source the additional equipment for you, however this will be on a case by case basis. Additional equipment hire fees and administration costs would be on charged to the hirer if this service was provided.

For additional equipment or non-standard configuration of spaces, additional labour is likely to be required. Collingwood Yards will confirm any additional charges with you before committing to additional equipment or labour charges.

Can I bring my own equipment to use during my event?

Hirers are permitted to bring equipment to site for use during their event. All equipment brought to site including laptops, lighting, AV and any associated cables, must have a current test and tag sticker, confirming that the item is safe for use. Items without a current tag are not permitted to be used at Collingwood Yards.

Does my equipment need a current Test and Tag?

Yes, all equipment used on site must have a current test and tag. Collingwood Yards may have a staff member onsite who is able to conduct equipment testing for you provided you have five or fewer items requiring testing. Fees for test & tag will apply. If you have more than 5 untagged items, Collingwood Yards reserves the right to require the hirer bring in a qualified electrician to complete the testing and tagging of items, at your expense.

Can I park at Collingwood Yards?

Collingwood Yards has no public parking available on site. We recommend utilising public transport options when visiting the venue. The surrounding area has limited permit, metered, and timed on-street parking.

For information on how to get to Collingwood Yards, please look at our visit us page

Is Collingwood Yards accessible?

Collingwood Yards has made every effort to be as accessible as possible. Please follow the below links for more information on the accessibility for each of the Collingwood Yards spaces.

  • Courtyard
  • CY Space
  • Music Market

Please contact us at enquiries@collingwoodyards.org for any specific questions you might have around accessibility, and we will do our best to facilitate your accessibility needs.

How can I make my event more accessible?

Collingwood Yards has a list of preferred suppliers which includes accessibility consultants, Auslan interpreting services and closed-captioning services. Please contact us should you wish to receive a copy of our suppliers list.

You might also like to review this Artist Essentials Toolkit put together by Arts Access Australia.

Do I need to be onsite before my event opening?

Hirers and their teams must be onsite a minimum of 60 minutes before doors open on the first day of public access for their event. This allows enough time to ensure that all relevant team members complete a venue induction.

Can I leave valuable items onsite?

You are responsible for the safekeeping of all valuables and cash associated with your event. Collingwood Yards will not be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by the hirer.

Collingwood Yards does not have storage onsite for non-Collingwood Yards items.

Does Collingwood Yards have kitchen facilities?

Collingwood Yards does not have Kitchen facilities, though limited catering supports are available in the Music Market venue including;

  • 2x glass-fronted mini-fridges
  • 2x Microwaves for warming catering
  • A boiling and chilled water tap
  • A bar service area

Limited storage for additional bar stock is also available during your event only.

Can I bring in catering for my event?

Yes. You are welcome to organise your own catering for your event. The Collingwood Yards team must be provided with your catering supplier’s safe food handling permits.

If you wish, Collingwood Yards can recommend catering and coffee suppliers for your event through our onsite hospitality operators.

No barbecuing is permitted at, in or around the venue whether on portable equipment or otherwise, unless approved in advance of your event, by the Collingwood Yards team.

If you wish to arrange a food truck for your event, please speak to Collingwood Yards who will discuss suitable options and positioning of the food truck during your event.

Is smoking permitted?

All Collingwood Yards venues are smoke-free zones, and smoking is strictly prohibited in all spaces and surrounding areas.

Can I use candles, fire or special effects?

Naked flames including candles, smoke machines, special balloon effects and pyrotechnics are prohibited at, in or around the venue, without the prior written consent of the Collingwood Yards team. Pease speak to the Collingwood Yards team about your requirements.

How do I cancel my booking?

If you need to cancel your booking, please inform the Collingwood Yards team immediately. Please note that penalties may apply according to the conditions outlined in your contract.

Do you have restrictions on heavy items or liquids in the space?

For items of significant weights and items containing liquids – including bars where liquid spills are common – every measure must be taken to protect all Collingwood Yards flooring from damage. Damage to flooring will incur additional costs.

Please consult with the Collingwood Yards team before and throughout your hire on appropriate protective measures according to items, furniture, fridges, venue dressing, catering and bars required for your event.

Should I have a Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country at my event?

Collingwood Yards encourages hirers to conduct a Welcome to Country at the commencement of their proceedings. A Welcome to Country can be arranged through https://www.wurundjeri.com.au/ 

If you are unable to arrange a Welcome to Country, an Acknowledgement of Country is strongly encouraged. The below is an example of text which can be used, for the nations whose land we are on:

[Your event or company name] acknowledge/s the Traditional Owners, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation, on whose unceded land Music Market is situated. We pay our deep respects to Elders past and present as well as to all First Peoples of this land.

Where can I go for further resources and information for planning my event?

Collingwood Yards recommends looking at City of Melbourne’s comprehensive guide to event planning

Do I need a Risk Assessment?

The Collingwood Yards team may determine that a Risk assessment is required for your booking. Collingwood Yards will be able to provide you with a Risk Assessment template but responsibility for completing the Risk Assessment lies with the hirer. Risk assessments will be reviewed by the Collingwood Yards team and there may be a need for additional works in order to ensure safe delivery of your event. You will be provided with confirmation by the Collingwood Yards team when your Risk Assessment is approved.

If a Risk Assessment is requested by the Collingwood Yards team and is not provided, your event may not be permitted to progress.

Are cleaning costs payable for my event?

Cleaning charges are determined by the nature of your event, the number of attendees and the space hired. If your event is likely to generate additional waste or require excessive cleaning, the the Collingwood Yards team will confirm the additional charges following a discussion about the nature of your event.

In some instances, if the venue is left excessively unclean, additional cleaning charges will be applied. This additional cleaning will be arranged by Collingwood Yards management team and charges for this cleaning will be invoiced to you.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Collingwood Yards takes cleaning very seriously. Please contact the Collingwood Yards team to discuss your event including the cleaning charges.

Do I need to arrange waste disposal for my event?

For many events, Collingwood Yards’ standard waste disposal streams will be sufficient to manage your waste. If your event is likely to generate a lot of waste, additional waste collections may be required.

The Collingwood Yards tean will speak with you about the nature of your event and if required, Collingwood Yards will arrange additional waste provisions. If additional bins or waste collections are required for your event, the charges will be added to your quote.

Are there any discounts available to me as a hirer at Collingwood Yards?

Collingwood Yards offers a discount on venue hire charges to tenants at Collingwood Yards.

A  discount on venue hire charges is available for independent organisations, NFP’s and community organisations.

Discounts only apply to the venue hire charges – other costs including labour, equipment hire, and cleaning are hard costs and as such are ineligible for discount.

Please contact the Collingwood Yards team if you believe that you are eligible for a discount.

Does Collingwood Yards arrange ticketing for events?

Collingwood Yards does not arrange ticketing. You can use the ticketing company of your choice for your event. If you are seeking a ticketing supplier, Collingwood Yards recommends using Humanitix or Eventbrite.

Can Collingwood Yards help me to promote my event?

When you confirm your booking we will ask you for the details of your event. You will also be asked if you would like to list your event on the Collingwood Yards events page and if so, instructions on submitting your listing will be provided to you by the Collingwood Yards team.

Collingwood Yards may advertise your event on our social media channels if appropriate. Please note that promotion through the Collingwood Yards social media is at the discretion of the Collingwood Yards Communications team and cannot be guaranteed.

Please speak to the Collingwood Yards team about listing and promoting your event.

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