We have an exciting opportunity for a new hospitality operator to join us and our current hospitality retailers here at Collingwood Yards. If you are a hospitality operator looking to join a vibrant contemporary arts precinct – we’d love to hear from you!
Collingwood Yards is a community of artists, cultural organisations, social enterprises, retail and hospitality venues – core to the precinct are its values of inclusivity – particularly in regards to First Nations sovereignty and LGBTQI+ causes. We are looking for an operator that aligns with these principles and can demonstrate a strong commitment to contemporary arts.
The available space boasts a total area of 158.0m2 along with a small outdoor area. The tenancy is a resolved space with a base level of services and provision for a kitchen exhaust solution. This tenancy is next to Hope St Radio on the ground floor facing the courtyard in the Perry Street Building.
We are looking for a seven day casual operation with table service offering a light/tight menu. Opening early and closing in the late afternoon, we want our new operator to complement our existing traders and not duplicate the offer.
After the EOI process, we will shortlist potential candidates and bring these candidates into an open discussion with the CY team and our three existing hospitality operators. We want to create a dynamic and communal atmosphere between all our hospitality partners to create a reciprocal and connected community among the CY community.
Please let us know what your offer is, how your offering and ethos fits within CY values expressed above, how it presents a point of difference to our current traders and the unique angle you can bring to the hospitality community at Collingwood Yards.
If this sounds like you please submit your expression of interest through to the following link here and we will be assessing the submissions through until the end of May.
Collingwood Yards Hospitality Operators:
Hope St Radio
Hope St Radio started out as just that, an online broadcasting platform that provided an accessible and inclusive channel for DJs and artists to connect with audiences. What Hope St Radio has evolved into is the incredible wine bar/restaurant/music venue that you see here at CY. With a wine list curated by the owners Pete and Jack and an amazing menu crafted by head chef Ellie Bouhadana Hope St Radio has become a go to destination here at CY. In recognition of their stellar rise they received a hat in 2023.
Stefanino Panino
Stefanino Panino is an Italian deli-style panini shop, founded by Stef Condello and his mother Diana. Previously known for attracting lines and selling out long before lunchtime ends, it originally opened on Lygon Street in Brunswick East before moving to Collingwood Yards.
Since joining us here Stef and his fantastic crew have enlivened CY and our beautiful courtyard, serving the best panini and excellent Genovese coffee six days a week.
Runner Up Rooftop Bar
Up on the roof of our Johnston Street Building these guys describe themselves as ‘simply the second best’ rooftop bar in town.They are the best in our opinion and with a great view overlooking our courtyard. They offer a casual and carefree venue to frequent with familiar faces or future friendsRunner Up is brought to you by the minds of some of Melbourne’s finest enterprises, such as a Lounge, Colour Club, Mildlife and Confetti Studio